Trained and experienced in ancient healing art, Body Balance Therapies reflexology therapists apply precise massage techniques to specific pressure points on the feet or hands as a means of manipulating the entire networks of organs, glands and tissue functions of the body.
Restore and Realign Your Body with Reflexology
From our fully equipped and inviting location, Body Balance Therapies reflexology therapists provide detailed consultations and tailor reflexology treatment plans that address your particular requirements. Each specific pressure point identified by reflexology treatments directly corresponds to an area of the body. Via the refined pathways of the nervous system, massage therapy balances and energizes the body, easing pain, reducing stress-related symptoms, and allows for deep relaxation.
Detoxify and Cleanse Your Body from a Variety of Conditions
Treatments usually involve our Spring clients lying fully clothed on a massage table with pillows placed under the head and knees. Our professionally trained practitioners gently work calves, legs, and feet to rebalance the body and release toxins. Some recipients report a mild level of discomfort following reflexology treatment as the body begins to naturally cleanse and realign itself. The final effects of a professionally administered reflexology session provide long-lasting relief.
Reflexology is beneficial for people of all ages, from babies to seniors, and is helpful in the treatment of many conditions that include: Although reflexology treatment provided by Body Balance Therapies is administered to restore and rebalance the entire body, our experienced and certified therapists personalize treatments to focus on the particular issues and problems that you may be facing. We invite the people of Spring to call us for further information or to book an appointment.
Personalized Reflexology Treatments